cutest blog on the block

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Busy, busy, busy!!

Did you just say the title in the voice of the magician from Frosty the Snowman? Well, you should have! Lol!

We have been super busy here lately! God has truly blessed us with many things on our plate: friends to minister to, people to help and lots of other things to keep us busy.

While I am on the computer occasionally: both hubby and I have seen too many people that are weaving dangerously into computer addiction and we have decided to cut our computer time. It is sad when your computer friends get in the way of real life friends - not cool!

All of my school books are purchased and the semester starts on Tuesday. Plans to get the boy to school are all in order - we are blessed to have two very awesome people in our life that help us with this task!!

We have been looking for a free woodstove for the garage - while out and about yesterday, a friends' husband said we could have theirs - thank you God for providing for us!

Hubby's car wouldn't start last Sat. after work. Thanks to his brother (and $169 starter), it should be up and running after the weekend.

I'm really glad an old friend called - we had breakfast early this week and she was key in helping solve many problems I'd been twirling around in my head recently. She has a great outlook on life and her outlook is so positive.

In my prayer life, I have made great strides: a prayer intention booklet - which is awesome because it helps me keep track of people that I've promised to pray for; positive people - it was brought to my attention during my prayer time one day that I really needed to keep positive people in my's too easy to allow negative people (even if they ARE christian) to pull you down with them - being positive makes life a whole lot easier!

Healthy living: after last year's winnings through hubby's work (we were able to purchase a Kindle Fire for only $59!!) we are making a renewed effort, together, to get our family on a healthier living track. So far, so GREAT!! I have lost 3 pounds since the beginning of the year, nighttime snacking is at an all-time low and hubby and I have been taking some nice walks (with this unseasonably warm WI weather!)

There's so much more, but lots to do today! :)


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