cutest blog on the block

Saturday, July 3, 2010

2 years

It has been two years since my mother-in-law died. Some days it feels like forever, others: just yesterday and still other days feel like she is still here.

I miss her dearly. I see her in the children's faces, I feel her looking over my shoulder as I am making an outfit for the children from "her" material. I feel her in my heart - I hear her soft words of wisdom echoing in my mind.

I miss her. I look at how the children and see how they have grown in the past 2 years - and it is glaringly apparent what she has missed.

I miss her. When I am in school, I frequent her gravesite -checking up on it, telling her about my day, praying for her. 

The first year was all about "firsts." Missing her on the first fourth of July - missing her when we gave birth to our youngest (glad that she knew they would share the same middle name) - on the first time her birthday came, our birthday, our anniversary, Christmas....etc.

The next year has been consumed with missing her not being here for many the children grow, she is missed at each of these events. We know that "us kids" and "grandkids" were her life - it's what she lived for. She would go without - because she loved everyone so much.

Hubby has taken to using the last quilt she made for us as "his alone." It's a memory - loved sewed into every stitch is not an exaggeration.

We love you Mom!


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