cutest blog on the block

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 2011 - already???

Wow - I haven't posted in awhile - but this is what seems to happen when life gets busy.

It's end of the year for both the kids and I. For me, this means papers and finals and registering for classes for next semester (I'm IN MY CORE classes next semester -YAY!!). For the kids this means lots of outside time - I LOVE living across the road from their playground as I get to watch them play and be outside for phy-ed, etc - and, of course: field trips!! They love them, we (hubby and I) love to go with them - they still LET us, lol! So....hubby is going up with the two oldest to St Paul later this month. They have a full day planned and will have lots of fun, I'm sure.

The Lord has been providing all of our wants and needs lately, as is the norm when we lay our trust in him.

First: Hubby made his way into the church this year!!! Now, we can all accept the Eucharist together - the kids were especially excited about this! Speaking of which, Little Miss L made her first communion the end of April too - she was just lovely!

Second: we decided NOT to have a third vehicle - and, we sold our van and bought my moms - her's was in better condition and ours was getting to be pretty rusty and the air conditioning needed to be fixed - and yes, I am a baby and HATED not having air!! The Lord saw fit to bless us with a buyer - and at $1000 at that! Considering we had the van for over 4 years and only paid $2500, we couldn't have asked for a better vehicle - it definitely did us no harm! We also get back another $200 or so from insurance because it was paid up for the year.

Third: we are still (kinda) unsure of how to get the boy-child to his new school next year - but in talking with the neighbor - who is a teacher there - he would be happy to help us if we don't/can't find another way.

Fourth: I got into my nursing classes - did I say this already?? Ok, so I'm a bit excited as this gets us one more step closer to fulfilling our family goals (I'll post about those another time!)

Fifth: I've been working out on a daily basis - due to my new unrelenting walking partner! My neighbor is just awesome - she has no children and motivation to get into shape - she comes over at the designated time and will wait while I get the toddler ready as well as walk the dogs with me - it's great having someone who holds me accountable!

Sixth: health-wise - all the kids as well as hubby and myself are all in good health and  we have had NO asthma attacks or flare-ups - life is good this way!

We been spending lots of time with my grandma and family - and a few of hubby's as well. Things aren't the best with him and his dad right now, so I pray that eventually things will get better there - I hate to see him hurting. A few of his siblings distance themselves, so we don't always get to see all of them - but that's their choice - anyone who knows us well knows we have an open-door policy - you can't please everyone all the time!

This weekend my granny, my neighbor and I are going to go to some city-wide garage sales - I CAN'T WAIT - these are my favorite and I tend to find LOTS of great stuff....can't wait!

Anyways, like I said: life is not exciting right now. A week and a half of school and then it's summer vacation - PRAISE THE LORD!!!


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