cutest blog on the block

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

BUSY, but productive!

The last two days have been really busy, but productive days. I am thrilled with the progress that hubby and I are making on all of our house projects! (I'm crossing off the items on the list here, if you want to check it out.)

Hubby has been a fantastic helper in all of this - he built the shelves in the furnace room and humored me when I wasn't sure I wanted them as wide as he had made them (he was right, by the way, they are fine!).

While he was busy working on the shelves, I sorted through all of the winter coats, boots and snow pants (among other miscellaneous toys and such that were scattered all over. We ended up with a nice bag to give to the church for their garage sale. I got the room totally picked up and organized - this was made much easier due to the fact that we gave the neighbors a swivel rocker and a recliner that was taking up space - plus, they took 4 out of our 5 bar-stools too! :)

Hubby and I also worked together on getting the old carpeting out of the den and he brought the new carpeting in. When the children got home from school, I asked them to come downstairs and help me install the new carpeting - they were great and didn't complain (much!) and we got the whole room put back together. It is now pristine and looks wonderful! We are all proud!

Since the shelves were finished I was able to get all of the "extra" foodstuffs on the shelves, instead of cluttering up other areas.

After all of this, I decided that I wanted to get the bookshelf picked up, organized and books that we don't read anymore (or have no interest in) taken off of the shelves to be donated. I ended up with the equivalent of two paper grocery bags full  of books! This area now looks fantastic also!

It was a busy day - as I also got in a walk and painted the barricade that hubby had made the day before for the basement window!!

Today - not as productive (house-wise) but I went and picked up gift cards (for graduation parties and for our vacations), stopped and got a bunch of free (Cottonelle wipes) and BOGO items (Lean Pockets - only $2/2 packages!!) and other items (pants for Zumba!!) and also stopped at Aldi's for some awesome fruit and veggie sales. Then I spent the afternoon visiting with my mom and niece and nephew.

So, all-in-all - a good couple of days!

Tomorrow my hubby goes on a field trip with the kids to the Twin Cities and I have a good friend coming over to visit - YAY - can't wait!! There is a LOT going on this weekend  - but I'll post about that AFTER it happens!



You've got a lot of stuff going on. Busy woman. Good luck with the house.

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