cutest blog on the block

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day this year was a great day. Hubby had taken the two older children to Mass on Saturday night, so the middle girl and I went to Mass ALONE on Sunday morning. Father had a special blessing for all mom's and a coin and medal to give.

Of course, we had purchased the exercise equipment for both Mother's and Father's Day gifts, but Hubby also got me a professional grade Salad Shooter - we received one from his sister for our wedding gift, but a few years back, it died on us. We hadn't replaced it because whenever we would decide that we could afford to, it would be "out of season" and not available - well, no more! I am VERY pleased to have one again - it shreds cheese like a hot knife thru butter and don't even get me started on how quickly I can make homemade hashbrowns now!

Hubby went to his mom's grave with the oldest daughter and added soil (some of the bulbs were showing) and weeded.

I hung out three loads of laundry and on my way back in with them, broke my toe. Yep, I BROKE MY TOE ON MOTHER'S DAY! What a day. No, I did not go in to have it x-ray - it is the "little" toe on my left foot. It hurt like the dickens (and after walking on it all day today for eldest daughter's field trip, it hurts!!), but there is not much that they will do for broken toes that haven't broken the skin. It is, however, a lovely shade of purple.....edging toward black-ish today. :)  Such is my life.

Still waiting on final grades....I am sure that I made the Dean's List, I would just like to know my exact GPA. I am waiting on scholarship information too. Hubby and I have chatted about the possibility of getting an SLR Digital Canon if I do -- wooohooo!


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