cutest blog on the block

Monday, December 13, 2010

"It's been awhile...." continued

So, we were at the point that we knew hubby would have to look for a different job, or I would. When I suggested that I find something part time his words were: "Jessica, you are our future, you have to keep up with your school work."

We sent out many, many prayer requests that all works out to the Lord's will.

The next day, he went up to Medford to a hiring agency. While we have never used one before (and truth-be-told, they make me a little nervous) this was the only way to apply to the company (it's also the ONLY way that they have hired employees for FIFTEEN YEARS!!). He was hired on the spot! The pay is lower than we can currently make ends meet - but there is also much overtime, so that makes up the difference, for now, until he is hired with the company.

He enjoys what he does and it is sooo nice to have dependable work. The only downfall, at this point in time, is that he works second shift - he's gone from 1:30 p.m. until 12:45 a.m. It means that the kids and I have had an adjustment period, as household duties, homework, family prayer time, etc has changed.

I thank God for my parents at this time - they have the capabilities to loan us the money we need to make bills while the transition period between paychecks takes place. They also "forwarded" us our Christmas money so that I could still purchase some Black Friday deals and some "extra" gifts for the kids for Christmas - yes, my "stash" would have been enough, but there are usually a few items that are "new" on their list that I like to pick up as fillers.

So, that's OUR Christmas Miracle - the Lord truly watches over us and has a plan....we just need to pray and know that we are cared for and that our needs are taken care of before we even know what they are!


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