cutest blog on the block

Saturday, December 25, 2010

We are done!

It seems that in our house, lots of things were "done" this month....

The kids are done with school for the year (and me too!!).

We were done wrapping gifts early (this is a major accomplishment - usually I "bag" the gifts because I don't like wrapping!)

As of 9 a.m. this morning, we are done with unwrapping gifts, the papers are all picked up and even lunch is done (well, it's the free ham I got due to "reward points" and it was pre-cooked, so I put it in the crock-pot last night on's ready to eat whenever we are!).

But the most important (to me, anyways!) we are DONE WITH DIAPERS!!! Waaaahooo!!! We've been potty "training" for awhile, off and on (mostly off, due to my schooling) but I decided 3 days ago that it was no more of this on/off stuff - we had to put forth a good effort. Somehow, "baby" understood this too, as we didn't put a diaper on her for the last three days and have only had 2 accidents - this includes a four hour shopping/grocery trip and a 2 hour church service last night - SO proud!!


Tara K

Yay!!! Way to go A!!! Hopefully your uncle and I will get the "time to crack down message soon too and K will be following suit!

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