cutest blog on the block

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Flu

The flu has been here - and is leaving and not coming back - we hope!! It's been a crazy week, with a child staying home from school -each one day, different days, except for the oldest - last week. All of seem to have had it to some level or degree, with me being down on Sunday night and all day Monday and Hubby coming home from work yesterday. Luckily, it seems to just be a 12-24 hour bug, so things are clearing up some!

School has started - we are starting to get into the swing of things again. I love learning and the challenges that it presents. My Abnormal Psych class looks to be interesting and I can't wait to see some of things I will learn! My other two classes (Gerontological Nursing and Intro to Critical Care Nursing) start on Monday, so I am excited for that too!

The son got his new bow. My brother bought a new hard case for his bow and passed his down to our son. My dad and brother went through their arrows and got them refletched and cut to Son's size - so he now has 8 practice arrows - and despite the temps only being in the single digits, he's outside practicing all the time!

The three middle girls are doing SO WELL in piano - one of these days I will figure out how to upload video ...the eldest daughter plays an awesome "Carol of the Bells" and "Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy" - I do NOT regret paying for this skill that they are learning, as I see them going far with it!

The baby continue to astounds me daily - she has had zero regressions in potty training and doesn't even wear a diaper to bed! We seem to have a new rhythm down where even though she doesn't take a nap (most days) anymore, she goes sleep no later than 7:30 and sleeps until about that same time in the morning! It's nice to be on a more "normal" schedule!

The weight continues to come off and the exercise is progressing - about 2 days a week now - still a little sporadic, but I'm hoping that with warmer weather that I can get outside more!

We are still missing our priest - another few weeks and he should be back. While I understand that we are fortunate to have priests in the area that can come and say Sunday masses, it will be nice to have him home and to get back in the swing of things and be "normal."


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