cutest blog on the block

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's one of THOSE weeks!!

Yep, it's been one of THOSE weeks around here!

Let's see, where to start? Oh, how about Sunday? We went to church and then had hubby's brother and sister-in-law and their kids over (GO PACK GO!!) - LOVE having them here as all of the children like to play together and they pick up nicely before they leave. We also love the adult time and re-connecting with them over (ok, I wanted to say wine, because it sounds "right" - but....) beer and wine coolers - 'cause that's the way we roll! lol

Monday two more of my online classes started. I am sure that they will be fine, but lots of writing and posting (300 word min. posts) so it should be pretty interesting. I decided that I will likely go into school every Tuesday and make do the classes there - minus the distractions of sewing, cleaning, cooking, the phone, the two-year-old, etc!!

Somewhere inbetween Sunday and Monday I found out that my bff's uncle died. He lives in Mad-town and she lives in OR. She didn't figure she'd come home, although secretly, I harbored hope that she would. Well, God's grace is intense - and yes, she is coming home! She flies out this morning and I am picking her up at the airport tonight. It may be the only time that I get to see her....the rest of the weekend is pretty sketchy at best - she flies out of Mad-town Sunday morning - I've put it in God's hands - he knows best!

Our priest was due to come home last night - not sure if flights got delayed, but I watched all day yesterday and last night and he hasn't arrived yet. His father had passed (about 10 days or so into his trip) - so his time with family was precious, I'm sure. We have greatly missed him though and look forward to welcoming him home!

The rest of the week as been relatively uneventful - went to school on Thursday, stayed home and fixed a friend's coat yesterday (new zipper) as well as made her 8 neck warmers - it was a sewing day!!

Yesterday Hubby and Son went to our local (30 minute drive away) Catholic High School to check it out - he is in 6th grade this year, so we need to make the decision between that and the local public school. We are doing lots of praying now, as there ARE tuition costs, and of course: the driving to get him there!! God will show us the way, I am sure!

Tonight I'll make the drive to the airport, luckily it's only CWA, so much closer than the Twin Cities - the Son convinced me that since my bff is his godmother, he should come too. I think that we'll get some good bonding time and hey, who can refuse his logic??

Tomorrow I have my first "real" physical since high school. This was on my list of goals for the year and is a pretty easy one, but one that is easily put off as well. I figured since I am going to school to be an RN, not only should I lose weight, start eating better, etc (essentially, live the life that I will be preaching!!) but also get the satisfaction of seeing the "numbers" go down as well - because as you get fit, your numbers reflect it!


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