cutest blog on the block

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Well, this surgery was a LOT harder than the other. First of all, I bled out. This sucks, as it set my schedule back about an hour and a half or so. It is also very time consuming- they put HUGE (8x6) bandages over the incisions, then they wrap the entire leg (toe to thigh) with gauze and then they wrap the whole thing again with Coban  (the kids said this made it look like I had a cast on!). So when I bled out - they had to cut this all of, apply pressure, re-wrap and then have me walk some more - and hope that I didn't bleed out again. The second time turned out to be just fine and I got to go home. By the time I stopped to pick up my scripts though, the anesthesia had wore off and I was in pain. Leave it to WallyWorld pharmacy to be running WAY behind that day!!

So, I got home alright (even though I took the pain meds before I got home!) - but most of the afternoon and was spent walking for 30 minutes and then sitting for 30 minutes - no one position for more than 30 minutes! I was also checking the clock and making sure that I was rotating pain meds w/ibuprofen every 3 hours - yes, it WAS that bad!

Tuesday morning I got up from a rather restless night's sleep and saw that the bandages had slipped about four inches. This meant that they were all bunched up by my knees and ankles. I called in and they got me in within an hour. They LAUGHED when they saw how far down it had fallen - and told me they were glad I came in. One spot was (still is) oozing - but the incisions all looked fine and I am not due to go back in for another month - at which time we will do sclerotherapy to get rid of whatever is left.

My left thigh seems to have received the brunt of the bruising - hubby even says that it looks nasty and he's seen way worse than this!

As the doc and P.A. were doing the surgery, we were all talking and laughing and having a good time. Discussing everything from school (my M.A. was a semester ahead of me in nursing school) to Lady Gaga. At one point, the P.A. asks the doc if they can show me the veins - he says sure - so as they are cutting and pulling and tying off, they pull them up to show me! The last one that the P.A. did (the one that started this whole process) I had to ask for - they had skipped it. The doc says, "of all the veins in your body, you're worried about that one?" To which I replied, "YES! That one is so close to the surface (the P.A. nods) and is  the whole reason I came in!" While she tied that one, I watched! ;)


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