cutest blog on the block

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Private school, and other musings.

Well, the boy is off to our local Catholic High School to "shadow" for the day. He was soooo excited, and after meeting (some) of the staff there, I can totally see why! They are so warm and welcoming - and truly happy to see you there! People were calling my boy by name - and he was looking at me like I should know who they are!! The only problem we are facing at this time is how to get him there in the morning and home in the evenings. If hubby and I do this - we are looking at a one hour drive in both the morning and the afternoon.....but we also know that if this is what the Lord desires, then he will make it happen. Please lift us up in prayer that we may do the Lord's will in this and not our own.

I stop to think/pray often on where the Lord is leading us now. In April, hubby is joining the church (yay Bec, #2 that you've prayed in, at least this one wasn't so stubborn!!). I know that much is changing - shifting, if you will....I can FEEL it, I just can't wrap my head around it and pinpoint it yet. But even not knowing, I know that Our Lord has this plan for us and it is all mapped out and all I need to do is to trust him and follow his lead.

One of my more recent goals is to put more trust in the Lord and less in myself. This is a tricky thing to do - but I think that many people out there just go around spending money and then whining and complaining when it's gone or asking others to borrow money all the time. I know that we should be self-sufficient, as well as giving, not only of our money, but of our time and resources as well. I know that being a child of God, I need to be careful with this money that he entrusts to me - not to go out and blow it on frivolous things (a new car, when we DON'T need one, unnecessary beauty treatments, going out to eat too frequently, etc).

I think that more family time at home or doing free things shows the children that we can have fun.....but we DON'T have to spend money to do it! My children have NO CLUE what #3 on the value menu is....and I'm proud of it. I think that teaching them the value of family time is more important than going out to eat or spending money.

.....musings to be continued at a later date..... :)


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