cutest blog on the block

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Taxes are in....

...bills are payed, money is saved. I am proud to say that we made a list, checked it twice and STUCK TO IT!! My mom and dad have been payed off in full, our car/house insurance (and umbrella policy) is paid for the year, we owe a zero balance on the Menards card (and in all honesty, I think that we may just try to do any home repairs without it this year!), we have our summer vacation fund in place as well as HALF of our goal into savings for the year!!

My brother took our "old" van to the junk yard yesterday and that yielded us $350, so that helped greatly too! We took out the radio/cd player and amp and will either sell those on Craigslist or put them in Hubby's car or the van. We also have a factory add-on bench seat w/built in car seats that we will put on Craigslist - hopefully get another few hundred for that as well.

Yesterday we had a friend of mine come over and "do hair" - all three older girls got BANGS!! (they wanted them!) They are very happy with their new styles (they also got layers). I just got a trim, but all-in-all, it only cost us $30 - yes, I am fortunate to have good friends!!

I am happy to report that our family prayer time every night is going well - even though it hasn't even been a week, we are in the routine and loving it - things seem to be much more peaceful when we welcome Our Lord in like that! Did you know....praying the Rosary is about meditating on Jesus' life?? When I was a Protestant, I didn't know that - as a matter of fact, I thought that praying the Rosary was another way that those "crazy Catholic's" went about praying to Mary - WRONG!!!

The Boy-child just went and did his SECOND day at the Catholic middle/high school - he LOVES it - I think that if I let him, he would start over there RIGHT NOW!! But no, we will wait and let him finish out the year at our current school and he can start there next fall.

The girls are currently downstairs practicing piano. Their talent continues to amaze me, but more importantly, it amazes their teacher!! She often tells me that they have a natural gift - how wonderful that God showed us this and opened it up for them! My goal is to not only provide them with knowledge and skills to do this, but someday, to hear them play in church!! (the eldest girl could do it now, I think, with practice - we are talking to music coordinator and seeing if she can get us the appropriate materials.)

Our six-year old is on  her daddy's lap reading - yes, reading. And not the Dick and Jane books either. Reading runs in our family - and oftentimes we are all sitting around with our noses in books - especially in this WI winter.

Well....that's it for today - time to go and do some laundry - then off to Pizza Hut to use up some free coupons!!



I'm so glad to hear that things are going so well for you! :) Thanks so much for stopping by and telling me your most embarrassing moment! Did you get a chance to read the other stories, as well? They're all a hoot! :) Have a great weekend!

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