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Friday, June 11, 2010

"Do As I Say...."

Isn't this what happens with most parents? We adopt a "do as I say, not as I do" attitude. I think that with the love of Christ, we can learn to be "do as I do" instead of "do as I say."

What do I mean? Lately, I have been on a journey to lose weight. I know that often times I used to find myself telling the kids (in the evening, when they would ask for snacks) to have an apple, banana or something "healthy" -- only to have them go to bed and sit and eat a half a bag of chips while reading my latest book. Um yeah, not so healthy there, MOM!! So, I've adopted a "do as I do" attitude. If I require it of my children, why can't I require it of myself? So now, I do. If I tell them to get outside and enjoy the weather, then I get outside and enjoy the weather. If I say only fruit for a snack, then that's all that I do, too.

Unknowingly, I have been modeling this behavior for quite some time: we go to Mass. Every Sunday. No exceptions. We make sure to see all family during the holidays - even if we are tired and cranky (cuz family is what life is about, folks!). I am kind to the grocer in the store (especially when I hand them a stack of 20+ coupons, wink wink!!) - so I am thrilled when I see them using their manners to store personnel. Etc, etc.

I just hadn't "gotten it" that I should be doing this in regards to ALL things. Of course, I reserve the right to pull rank: "do it, because I'm the mom and I said," but all-in-all....I think it's better to adopt a "do as I do" attitude.


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