cutest blog on the block

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Busy, busy

This semester I have 7 college credits - ALL online. Can I say: I LOVE my online classes??!!

Having these classes has showed me (again) God's grace for us, our life and how much I LOVE to be a stay-at-home mom. Being able to stay home allows me to: spend time with my hubby (he works second shift), volunteer at the children's school (most weeks I have been going up there at least one day a week) and to take care of the house. My philosophy has always been that if I am not the one "working" (bringing home a paycheck) that it's my job to keep the house cleaned, cook, laundry, homework time, prayer time, etc - the domestic duties.

I take pride in being a mom and a homemaker. My house may not be perfect - but it IS clean and slowly getting organized again too. Within the last two days I have done SO much around the house that it even amazes me - plus keeping my grades at no lower than an A!! I have been doing meal planning again - last night, I put both lunch AND supper in two separate crock-pots so those meals will be almost done.

I have also been able to sew a LOT more again - something that is totally frugal (I use up lots of scraps) and that I love to do. Yesterday I made "A" a Strawberry Shortcake rag-quilt - it turned out sooo cute (and again, missing my mother-in-law like crazy!). The day before I made myself a purse with matching lipstick holder - so fun!

This weekend Girl Scout Cookies come in - so I'm sure that my family room will be bursting with all sorts of yummy-ness!

I'm still looking forward to the conference this weekend - I think I need the time away to focus on ME and my prayer life/spiritual life - I can't wait!!!


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