cutest blog on the block

Monday, April 12, 2010


As a former Lutheran and a practicing Catholic, one thing that has always been close to my heart is baptism. My Hubby's family grew up in a church that doesn't baptize infants. This is sooo heartbreaking to me. Why wait to be baptized? Jesus himself said - Bring even the little children to me!

Today's Gospel, though, sums it up well. Should the unthinkable happen and your baby/child should die, wouldn't you want them to be "born through water" so they can "see the kingdom of God?"

These are Jesus' words, not mine....this is why I believe what I believe about baptism.

God Bless you this day!!



I totally agree and already have this little one's baptism on the church calendar even though I am only 21 wks pg. Talk about planning ahead. LOL.

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