cutest blog on the block

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Can I get an AMEN?

Wow, is the Lord good! (AMEN)

He provides for our every need! (AMEN)

He is there when we ask! (AMEN!!)

This week has been full of many ups and car lost BOTH belts (one was for the alternator.....) - that apparently we were supposed to change a year and a half ago when we bought the car (so said our mechanic) - oops! He only charged us $40 for the belts AND labor (AMEN!!).

We took a trip to Wausau today. the kids love to shop around PetSmart (since there isn't one closer) and yes, we came home with a dozen fish - oh, and a frog too!

Hubby and Son went to the Hobby Shoppe and got some new models and paint - they are really into airplanes now. It's pretty surreal to hear them conversing and not being sure WHAT they are talking about!

Our stop at the game store went well. They traded in 2 games for $2 more than the local store was going to give us for THREE!!! (AMEN!) Now, Son can get his new game!

We rounded out our trip with a stop at Kohls (personally, not that impressed) and of course, ate out at Fazoli's. The kids love it there - probably because it's a "treat" - and they also have a book program, so the next time we go, their meals will be free!!

While we were out and about, Hubby said the power steering was out in the van. Usually this means just a fill of fluid, but that didn't really help. We re-checked and the fluid was still there. A phone call to my little bro left us with the impression that it's probably the pump - $50 to $200 repair, depending on the cost of the pump. OUCH.

Fast forward to us getting home and getting the mail: in there is a rebate check from our new washer - can I get an "amen?" God does provide!!


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