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Friday, April 2, 2010

Holy Thursday

Well, Hubby and Son went to church together last night as the girls and I stayed home....much reasoning for this: Son was asked by Father to participate in the washing of the feet, but we were also to spend an hour with Jesus in adoration (which was actually from after Mass until Midnight -at which time it was actually Good Friday), so mommy would go to church from 10 until midnight to "keep watch" with Our Lord. This was an amazing feeling - know that the apostles had done this so many years before and that the church has been commemorating since.

Funny thing though: Father had specifically requested Son to participate in the foot washing - he had requested a few weeks before for adult male volunteers, but wanted a few "youth" also. When we had read the bulletin (and request) I jokingly said to Hubby that he should volunteer - he said no, he feels like the apostles - that the master should NOT be washing the feet! Well, God is always in control: one of the chairs was empty and Father nodded to Hubby and he participated anyway!! Oh, and they each came home with a loaf of bread that some of the ladies of the church had made!

For right now, I am praying that Hubby gets home from work so I can go to church with the older two children at 1 p.m. today - but in the meantime, I have clothes to hang on the line and children that need breakfast (among many other, boring things to do!)


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