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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Good Friday

Good Friday to me is always the hardest part of Easter - the alter is bare - the crucifix is down - Jesus has been removed from the tabernacle and is in an alternate location - no genuflecting - no "real" mass. It's depressing. Yes, I know it's supposed to be. But it's hard, it's lonely - going into a Catholic Church is always "different" - because Jesus is there and you can FEEL his presence - but on Good Friday, that feeling is gone.

Yesterday we got a LOT done around the house - 3 loads of laundry hung out, Hubby worked half the day, 3 loads of laundry back in before it rained :)!! - make-ahead potatoes made for Easter dinner tomorrow,  a HUGE batch of cinnamon rolls made (with the help of a certain 7-year-old who said to me that she loves to cook and bake!) and just some general cleaning and picking up.

Father called at about 5-ish and said that there was Stations at 7 p.m. and that he would like Son and oldest Daughter to come and read. Of course! I went with, and it was a very nice. There is something super special about following the path of Christ - not just reading about it, but taking the 20 minutes to pray and meditate on each Station. I know that this is truly a "Catholic thing" but it should be something that ALL religions do!! It is definitely one thing to read about it, but it is a whole different thing to DO the Stations....amazing!!


Traci Michele

Hey there! I'm a new follower of your blog.

I'm hosting a GUSSY Giveaway too over at my blog if you want to enter two places:


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