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Monday, March 29, 2010

Palm Sunday Service

I hope you all had a blessed Palm Sunday - we sure did!

Father had a lovely procession planned, and due to the weather being nice, we were able to do it. The two older children were servers - I think that they enjoy the closeness of observing everything - it certainly excites me!

Father started by blessing the palms, reading from the gospel and then started the procession - out the back (through the sacristy) and then out around the church and in through the front door. It really made me reflect on how Jesus was welcomed into town - the same people that welcomed him would one week later be yelling "Crucify him!" (that part always always leaves such a sadness in my heart - would I have been one of those people - so welcoming, but then turn on My Lord? I would hope not, but mob mentality is proven - scary!)

But, back to the gladness of Palm Sunday - the procession was grand and we had a photographer there taking pictures, so I will see if I can get ahold of some to post - it was a sight to behold! Again, blessings on our Priest, for bringing back the ways of the church and for sharing such wonderful traditions with the congregation -- bring us back to the church and to the holiness that resides there!


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