cutest blog on the block

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Things are going ok.

Son has strep, so he stayed home today.

None of the Daughters show any sign of it yet, thank goodness!

I stopped in at the dollar store yesterday to pick up some dishwasher soap and saw some girls' winter boots on the 70% off table - only $3 (only 2 pairs) - so I picked them both up. Imagine my surprise when they rang up as $1 PER PAIR!!! The cashier smiled and said, "hmm, must be 90% off now!" As I was leaving, she was checking prices on, I asked my mom to stop in there - yep, even the clothes are 90% off now! She picked up a $14 worth of clothes for the kids, but I think I'll be heading over there and seeing what else is left...80 cents for a new pair of pants?! AWESOME!!

I thought I was doing well with buying Gaucho pants for Daughter #1 (from Target, including shipping) 6 pair for $25....well, mom beat me this time! :)

Still waiting on a call for results from surgery.....biopsies and the Bravo Ph - hope to know more soon.

Sweet little 5 year old daughter wanted to make cut-out today - for, yeah, but mommy knows they'll be gone before then! :) But we did, and she had a blast - now the older kids are all home from school and itching to frost them, ah, the calories!

Speaking of calories: my workouts are going great and calorie counting, well, not soo bad! The weight is coming off, I must just stay committed (and pray ALOT!!).

Oh yes, and I have off the rest of this week and next week for spring break! (thanks to a great instructor who gave us "work days" today and tomorrow!)


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