cutest blog on the block

Monday, March 15, 2010

Time with my dad

Today I got to spend time with my dad. I love to - it reminds me of when I was little and we used to be able to spend time with each other.

It wasn't just us today - it was time spent with cousins and friends of the family too. We spent all morning cutting up the cow and lots of chatting around the table. The thing I like most about this time spent is the reminiscing - how things "used " to be - how things were done, what they "used" to do, etc. We STILL use the same exact recipe that my grandfather used to use to make our brats (that's why they're so yummy!).

As we were wrapping the meat, dad said he payed for it and I didn't have to worry about paying him back - thanks dad! :) When all was said and done, we ended up with half the cow - to the tune of about 110 pounds total (stew meat, a few packages of hamburger (for eating tonight and a package for our priest) and 60 pounds for snack sticks - half for us and half for dad). All I can say, is that God provides.

My thought for the day: God is showing us that he supplies for our needs.

May God richly bless you!


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