cutest blog on the block

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stations of the Cross

Today after Mass we did stations of the cross - if you don't know what this is - look here.

Both of the older children participated in the readings. They learn so much by participation. In all honesty, this was the first time I was able to participate myself. What an experience! Father had come over yesterday - twice - we lost electricity in the morning, so he was unable to print his homily, so he came over to do that before 4 o'clock Mass - then we invited him over after Mass to come and get some meat.

We bought a new freezer (and shingles for the "upper roof" on the house and flooring for the entry way - love Menards and their "no interest, no payments!") - anyway, we invited Father over to take his pick of some meat - he doesn't care for hamburger, but likes something to "chew on" (his words) so he loves the stew meat! He ended up playing Wii with Son for awhile - he really wants to learn how and when he went home to India, everyone was telling him to get one! He was impressed that he could just buy a counsel and "borrow" our games! :)

Anyway - he had said that he did stations after Mass and that everyone stayed - but that he just started right after the closing prayer, so maybe they felt obligated to! :) Well, I think that everyone stayed for stations today too! It is good, good for the soul, good for the members, good for the church!

Tonight is confession - yay. It's that time again and always makes a person feel better. Before I became Catholic, I never understood confession - of course, my comeback was that I could confess my sins directly to God in privacy. I now laugh at that! Really, how many times do people do that? I think the process of reflecting on your sins before hand, going into the confessional to confess them, being forgiven in the name of Lord and then doing a penance is much more cleansing and "real" than "in private" - and what a huge wonderful gift in preparation for Easter!!


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